Thursday, November 24, 2016

Hello everyone, today I’d like to write about my favorite type of music.
Well, when I was a child, I remember that I saw a pair of movies, like High School Musical and some series like Hanna Montana, and I really liked the type of music that they sang –the main characters-, because I felt that his music was very entertaining with his rhythmical songs, and for later discover that this type of music was pop style.
This is what I like most of the pop music, which is very entertaining because –for example- you can dance it at the disco and the dance steps that you can do drawing my attention to go out and dance.
In this respect, particularly I like the pop videos, because the dancers dance very well, the costumes that they use are very exotic and to fashion and impose trend, and obviously you can drive you crazy at the disco dancing this type of songs like them.

I feel that I didn’t know how to choose a song of all the songs that exist within this genus, but if I have favorite artists like Miley, Britney, Rihanna, Arian and others. Although lately I like too much Ariana Grande because I believe that their songs are fantastic and his way of singing is impressive, in fact she has replicated to other singers and makes it very well, that is to say she really sings. 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Hello everyone, today it was very difficult choose the greatest Chilean, but if I think about I would choose Violeta Parra.
Well, she was an important Chilean author and singer, besides a very good painter and sculptor, among others, where their most famous songs are:  Gracias a la vida, Run run se fue pal norte, an infinitum. Its contribution to the chilean artistic and musical work is considered to be of great value and significance. Their work served as inspiration for several later artists, in that sense, her music has crossed generations, even in the school is taught to the students.
I think an important aspect of this artist is that she wrote her music from their own experiences and her knowledge of the life of the peasants and poor people. In that sense she rescues the essence of these persons on the basis of their music.
On the other side, I think that in Chile is not given importance until she travels to Paris, before that she was not a famous artist, including Violeta Parra left a great amount of unpublished music, which has been experiencing after his death.

I would like to ask what she thinks of this, about the fame that has managed to have, and what importance given to this. It is what she was proposed in a principle? Or also, I would like to ask what the reason for her suicide was. It was Love?

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Hello everyone, today Id like to write about some sports that I enjoy and practice lately.
When I was a child I didn’t like too much sports, but always I moved around too much and when nice music is played on the radio I really liked to dance, so in this respect, I was always doing some activity. After, when I grew up, I started to worry about my appearance and I started doing sports. At first, I started going to gym, and after I went to run on afternoon in the park.

Now, I really like sports  and I go to run three times a week , in addition  I try to go to the gym to strengthen different parts of my body, but at the same time I try to keep a healthy diet, which is very difficult for me.

On the other side, I think I would like to practice swimming, because it is a very complete sport and requires a lot of resistance which is necessary to be a good athlete. I would like to continue to practice other sports to reach an old age in good condition, because sports improve incredibly the quality of life.

I would like more people practice sports because would improve not only their physical health but also their mental health.